About this blog and me…


Howdy-do.  I’m Alisa and I have a red headed toddler, a blonde headed baby, a sweet white dog and a rather amazing husband.  I am a photographer on the weekend, but during the week, my love is in the kitchen, at the stove, sitting down to a meal together and watching my girls grow up.  I live for those things and they enrich my life daily.  I think food is so much more than nutrition – it’s the way we commune and feel comforted and recall wonderful memories with friends and family.  I guess in my early thirties, I’d finally had enough of talking about things that didn’t really matter.  So I started this blog.

10 thoughts on “About this blog and me…

  1. Love your blog! Anyone with a red-headed baby girl is okay in my book (I was a red-headed baby girl as was my mom, and as is my oldest daughter). Thanks for your take on great food.

    • Hello there! Thank you so much – that is tremendously flattering! I’ll be sure and put your blog on my list to check out! I think I follow two whole blogs, ha! I’m bad at it, but I’m glad to have yours in the mix, now! Thank you, again!

  2. Hi Alisa!
    I just wanted to reach out and say- I hope you’re having a really great day!
    I stumbled upon your blog… which from what I can tell was from quite awhile ago. I was looking up Manna recipes and honestly having no idea if I’d find anything and there your recipe was. I read your blog and exactly what happened to you happened to me. I read the description in Exodus 16:31 and thought that it could be a fun recipe to make to share with people-you know, a bit of an adventure! I then of course had to check out your blog. The next recipe I read was for the chocolate banana butter. You made me laugh… the part about not sterilizing the jars… I can tell you and I could be friends! You also mentioned in your Triple Berry Pie blog you were questioning the whole blog writing and how you didn’t want to “have to” photograph your meals and you just wanted to enjoy the simplicity’s of life. It looks like not long after, you were done. All this to say, way to go for following your heart and stopping if you weren’t finding joy in it any longer. You are however really good at it, and I’m sure you learned a lot not just by doing it but about yourself as well. I hope you and your family are doing well now in this next season of life and that you are enjoying the sky bluer, feeling the warmth of the sun on your face, and savoring the smiles and giggles of your husband and kids as they fill your heart with love! Praying God’s abundant blessings and exceeding favor to you!

    • Well, Katie, I don’t even know where to begin with your comment! It brought me back to myself a bit to read it! I did just walk away from this blog. After 250+ recipes, one day, I was just done. It might also have something to do with the huge and overwhelming emergence of instagram and all things “influencer.” I noticed that to get noticed, you basically have to talk about yourself non-stop. And then it becomes about staying relevant instead of making unleavened crackers for the heck of it 😉

      Thank you for your authentic comment. It’s the first in years. They’re all spam, now. And while I could take this blog down because it’s inactive, I leave it up for my ever-growing girls to read some day. At the time of the “chocolate banana butter” post, my girls, Olive and Eleanor were 4 and 2. Hard to believe. They are now 11 and 8 (almost 9!) and I have a new little girl, June, who is 4! Life is busy and Olive is in (gulp) middle school this year and we are busy with life, as I’m sure you understand. I bet we’d be friends, too, if you’re not afraid of botulism, lol. Thanks again for brightening my week with your comment! Blessings to you and your family at the start of this school year.

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